FrequentlyAsked Questions

Questions our customers ask us most.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I go solar?

When you install a solar energy system on your property, you save money on your electricity bills and protect yourself against rising electricity rates in the future. How much you can save depends on the utility rates, solar policies in your area, and your home’s sun exposure, but most homeowners start saving in the very first month with $0 down payments or up-front out-of-pocket expenses.

What happens if I sell my solar house?

If you own your solar energy system, your solar house will sell at a premium: studies have shown that solar increases property values. However, if you lease your system, that is not the case. You will need to either buy out your lease before you sell your home, or work with your leasing company to transfer the lease agreement to the home’s new owner.

What is net metering?

Net metering is the system that utilities use to credit solar energy system owners for the electricity produced by their solar panels. With net metering, you only pay for the electricity that you use beyond what your solar panels can generate.

How does solar impact my property values?

Studies have shown that homes with solar energy systems sell for more than homes without them. However, your property value will only increase if you own, rather than lease, your solar panel system. In most parts of the country, going solar will actually increase your property value more than a kitchen renovation.

What solar energy rebates and incentives are available?

Solar rebates and incentives vary depending on where you live. The most significant is the 30 percent federal investment tax credit (ITC), which allows you to deduct 30 percent of the cost of your solar energy system from your taxes. Some states offer additional tax credits, and certain municipalities and utilities also offer cash rebates or other incentives. Our solar consults are well trained and informed to maximize your savings from the beginning.

TestWhat are the environmental benefits of solar energy?

Solar power, like other renewable energy resources, has many environmental and health benefits. Going solar reduces greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change, and also results in fewer air pollutants like sulfur dioxide and particulate matter, which can cause health problems.

Do I need to replace my roof before installing solar?

Solar energy systems can last for 70+ years, and it can be costly to remove and reinstall them if you need to replace your roof. If your roof needs maintenance in the near term, you should complete it before you finish your solar installation. One of Solar Ignite’s pre-screened solar installers will be able to tell you whether to replace your roof before going solar.

How long will my solar power system last?

In general, solar panels are very durable and capable of withstanding snow, wind, and hail. The various components of your solar power system will need to be replaced at different times, but your system should continue to generate electricity for 70+ years.

How do I find out how much I pay for electricity?

If you’re charged monthly for your usage, you’ll receive a bill every cycle charging you for the number of kilowatt hours your household used that month at the prevailing rate. If you’re on a monthly budget billing plan, your utility takes the number of kilowatt hours you consumed last year, assumes that you’ll use around the same this year, and creates a monthly average for you to pay. This allows your utility to spread out the total costs you pay for power over the course of the year. As a result, if you live in a hot part of the country and use electricity to run your air conditioner, in the summer months you’ll see a lower bill than your neighbors who are on a monthly usage billing cycle. But on the other hand, in the winter months you should expect a higher bill than your neighbors.

Can I afford to go solar?

If you can afford to pay your electricity bill you can afford to go solar. Seriously – no catch. While savings vary, $0-down solar financing options make it easy for homeowners to own their power and start saving on their electricity bills immediately after installation/inspection/PTO.

Is my roof suitable for solar panels?

Southerly-facing roofs with little to no shade and enough space to fit a solar panel system are ideal for installing solar. However, in many cases there are workarounds if your home doesn’t have the ideal solar roof. Ground mounts are great option as well. Schedule a call to learn more about all of your options.

What size solar energy system should I get?

The size of your solar energy system will depend on how much electricity you use on a monthly basis, as well as the weather conditions where you live. We will build a custom proposal based on your needs.

How do I choose a solar installer?

There are a few criteria that everyone should use when choosing a solar installer. Confirm that they are certified, licensed and insured, and have relevant experience. All installers we work with are pre-screened to ensure that they meet these high quality standards. Meet with your solar team in person before you sign an agreement to ensure that you are comfortable working with them.

How do solar photovoltaic (PV) panels work?

Solar panels absorb the sun’s energy throughout the day and convert it into direct current (DC) electricity. Most homes and businesses run on alternating current (AC) electricity, so the DC electricity is then passed through an inverter to convert it to usable AC electricity. At that point, you either use the electricity in your house or send it back to the electric grid.

Do my solar panels produce power when the sun isn’t shining?

The amount of power your solar energy system can generate is dependent on sunlight. As a result, your solar panels will produce slightly less energy when the weather is cloudy, and no energy at night. However, because of high electricity costs and financial incentives, solar is a smart decision even if you live in a cloudy city. Typically, systems are designed to cover all of your energy needs, including factoring in weather and nighttime usage. 

What happens if there is snow on solar panels?

Solar panels convert sunshine into power, so if your panels are covered in snow they can’t produce electricity. Snow generally isn’t heavy enough to cause structural issues with your panels, and since most panels are tilted at an angle the snow will slide off. If snow does accumulate, your panels are easy to clean, and will naturally heat up faster than standard asphalt shingles.

Will I still receive an electric bill if I have solar panels?

Unless your solar energy system includes battery storage and you are fully off the grid, you will still receive a bill from your utility. However, you can dramatically reduce your bill, or even cut the amount you owe for power usage to $0, or negative, with a solar panel system that matches or exceeds your energy use. 

How much will solar panel maintenance cost?

Solar panel systems are made of durable tempered glass and require little to no maintenance for the 70+ years that they will generate power. In most cases, you don’t even need to clean your solar panels regularly. If something does happen, most equipment manufacturers include exceptional warranties, although warranty terms depend on the company.